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Change comes from you.

Tashya Wickramarachchi

The society today has declined immensely. Countless lives lost because of murder, rape, greediness and political powers are a few pathetic topics that appear in the front pages of newspapers today. What is the reason for this? This is a question we should ask ourselves.

I recently saw news headlines saying how a litter of puppies were just left on the street to die, how a young mom just threw her newborn away just because she couldn’t face the society. I believe it is the inability to take control of our thoughts, our own minds are the reason behind such situations. However, we tend to use very advanced technology, but if we can’t control our thoughts and use the provided facilities in the right way, in a way that benefits us all, what’s the purpose? But at the end, the only thing people are great doing is pointing fingers at technology, but not considering why people tend to do things like this and what are the necessary actions that should be taken to bring justice to the victim and its family, and necessary punishments or treatments to the culprit. This is just an ignorant way of how most people handle things nowadays and it’s one of the biggest reasons that as a country, we stand in a very low place in the world. So what should we really do?

We as individuals can’t change society. There are people with different views and believes and the view of one might not be the best for the other. Let’s start correcting ourselves. Let’s ensure change begins within ourselves first and tend to always try and do the right thing and set an example for others. Don’t be afraid to stand out from the rest. This may feel impossible at first, but with great determination, there’s nothing we can’t achieve. In order to do this first thing is to not let any negative energy in. Be strong and control your mind when you feel like you’re going to do something wrong. Try not to give ear to what people say to bring you down, stay in the course, whichever life might throw on you. Most importantly, don’t let money or other benefits are thrown at you cloud your judgment. Help everyone whenever you can, do your best, but never do it hoping for something in return. Correct yourself first, and when everyone else will try and correct themselves, unknowingly, everyone would act the same. Thus, a beautiful nation would immerge with love and compassion, not corruption and hate.

As one nation, we should be mindful of the just nature of our politicians for it’s our duty to vote for someone who would work tirelessly towards the upbringing of our nation giving less attention to things like nepotism. Politicians are the employees and we are the employers. We should not give them the power to change that. However, sadly, nowadays, politicians have their generous share in the decline of our country today. Casting our votes to the right person has a possibility in changing that. Be wise. Do not be fooled by the external impressions or the services rendered that comes printed on papers in the form of mind soothing words. Take a look into their behaviour, their past and their present self, are they actually living up to what they say they are, that’s when the true nature can be seen.

We can’t change the country, but we can change ourselves. By wishing for a brighter future, determined to do only the best, from today onwards let’s start to change ourselves. This will definitely lead to a better nation, a better country and most importantly, a better you.

Rtr. Charani De Silva

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