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Life Heroes - Blood Donation Experiences

Tashya Wickramarachchi

Anyone can give blood, not only donating blood saves lives it also helps to clean out our body. I didn’t know the impact blood donation provides until I donated blood. I’ve donated blood twice and the happiness that it brings to me is actually limitless. It was just a matter of sparing 15-20 minutes of our time to make someone’s life better. Knowing the fact that someone out there is in need of blood, we can be of any blood group, any age, any religion, any race, rich, poor whatnot, after all, we are humans and we need to help our fellow other human beings as well makes it empowering.  We all must at least once in our lifetime donate blood. Let’s keep donating blood and let's keep fighting for the lives of those around; known and unknown.

=Rtr. Keshala-

I've heard that blood donors are also named lifesavers. I have donated blood twice and it feels really amazing to do so cause at the end of the day I know that I've helped someone to live. I always wanted to donate blood but I was unable to reach on time for the date. So 2018 was my first experience. Well, I didn't feel nervous or frightened because I really wanted to donate. the first time was a completely new, yet satisfying experience. We may not have loads of riches to give someone in our lives but blood is something which we can share with someone in need and it just takes a few minutes of our lives and it's completely safe. So why not? Trust me, it feels amazing to know that you have done something for someone in need.

=Rtr. Shalika-

It was in 2017, where I got the opportunity to make my dream come true with the greatest difficulty since both my parents did not want me to participate since I am a very poor eater. It is an annual event in the charity organization which belongs to my parents. As the organization is situated near our living premises, I was familiar with the preparation and the setup which made me more inspired to take this step. Like others, I too followed up the procedure from the point of filling the form to the haemoglobin test and the doctor checkup. It was a memorable day as if I won a gold medal at national levels as I was filled with humble happiness due to the great charity activity which I took part in.  As this is an opportunity to give lives to extend their life and it also saves three people from one unit (pint) of blood I have participated in 4 blood donations and will continue in the future. As this process is painless and safe which takes 5-10 minutes, I encourage people to participate in this valuable event.

-Rtr. Nabhoshi-

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