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New beginnings

Tashya Wickramarachchi

“Every end is a new beginning”

A new beginning, that’s what it was around this time last year. And oh! How it’s already yet another new beginning where time seemed to have gone ahead of all of us! Though every end signals a new beginning, each year is more than a lesson, a fountain of overflowing wisdom, a teacher of endurance and a moulder of each individuals identity to build each of us to withstand the next level of life!

In the second year of the Rotaract Club of ICBT, Rotaractors started as aspiring individuals, under the guidance of the most understanding and astounding leaders; the president, Rtr. Jehaad Maas and the secretary, Rtr. Methmi Pinnagoda through twists and turns, ups and downs, conflict and peace and a whole bunch of other things. Let me brief you through 2019/20.

“Service above Self”

Serving above self, Rotaractors of ICBT managed to effectively give life to people ranging from our elders who hold the key to life to the guardians of a city that sacrifice their energy and full time in orange vests and carts of waste to the natural resources that make us whole in ways we aren’t aware of to lending a hand to the animal world and the green kingdom we are surrounded by! Thus, we have completed 12 projects of impact in the avenue of community service not only in the lives of others but our selves!

“The youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow”

With the involvement of well experienced and well-renowned successors of today’s society, ICBT Rotaractors managed to hold productive workshops and sessions polishing the skills of today’s youth, fostering their capabilities, and challenging, motivating and instilling in them perseverance and courage to be responsible and productive leaders, professionals and successors of tomorrow through the completion of 5 main projects under the avenue of professional development!

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much”

Through yet another 11 projects club service avenue overflowed with creativity and fellowship, where laughter and joy-filled rooms, where roses bloomed amid the thorny bushes, where handshakes and hugs made each other’s days, where ultimately strangers became family!

“The essence in the beautiful is unity in variety”

And International service avenue successfully managed to not only raise the bar in terms of new initiations but ensured stronger connections across several countries through cultural exchange programs to fostering unity in diversity to celebrating 50 years of Rotaract in Sri Lanka with the world and being able to participate in their projects like e-rylas was an honour too!

By the end of the year, the normalcy in conducting projects transitioned into a whole new normal, where projects and meetings which were once held in-person turned into ones conducted on online platforms. It benefited several non-rotaractors to access and educate themselves on a vast range of topics from the most experienced speakers without the need to travel, but save time and facilitate convenience. Not only were the non-rotaractors that stood as benefiters but Rotaractors alone were able to gain and build stronger bonds of friendship!

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress and working together is success”

Thus, ended another Rotaract year, completing one part of a long journey as one family!

-Rtr. Tashya Wickramarachchi-

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