The beginning is the most important part of the work. Rotaract for Dummies, a project which falls under the Professional Development avenue, was an initiative taken by the club to provide the encouragement and support for a new Rotaract year and benefit for the long run in Rotaract. The project which was chaired by Rtr. Farshad Ramsee and Rtr. Umar Shafeek took place virtually but nevertheless with a bunch of bright faces both new and old. The project consisted of three sessions where the first was a small addressing by the President and the Secretary on “What leadership is and means within the Rotaract Club of ICBT” and the importance in “The role of a Rotaractor."
Next, the Avenue Directors gave a minor insight on their respective avenues while educating the newbies. The third however was the entertainment round where the session started to become more fun and interactive as the participants were grouped and named according to popular television series, and they were told to give a small introduction about themselves as characters of the allocated television series.
A simple point system was created to deliver the teams based on their performances. Thereon, the IPP gave a speech about “The role of an IPP and the guidance rendered towards the club.”
The teams were told to create a video of them giving a monologue as their characters. The outcome was pure entertaining and Oscar-worthy. The second session kicked off with a Rapid-Fire round (consisting questions related to the District), followed by a really cool Treasure Hunt which consisted of a crossword puzzle that consisted of information about Rotaract, Rotary, Interact and the District.
Thereafter, The Vice Presidents gave their intake where they spoke about the values of Fellowship, Teamwork and the ability of organizing and Rationalizing which are considered to be fruitful traits for a Rotaractor.
Afterwards, the participants took their time to give their ideas, suggestions and opinions on the event with them also their intake on three questions they would have asked; “Favourite Avenue”, “Something special they see in Rotaract” and “Something good that happened to them while being in the club.” The closing statements were added by the Secretary by means of the Vote of Thanks as he acknowledged the organizing committee, project chairpersons and the participants for attending.
The main objective of this project was to give an insight on what Rotaract is, how we all come together as one to make this world a better place and to deliver it in an online platform with the same experience. The activities which were done helped to build fellowship among the new members and the past members.
Rtr. Anali Rathnayake